Sunday, September 18, 2011

The sticker I created contains eleven different components pertaining to my life.  Some parts are more personal than others, but every little bit has the same amount of effort and time put into it. 
             The idea of my sticker is that all of the elements are inside a little television, which kind of creates a sense of cohesion and simply represents my love of tv.  Starting from the bottom left, there is Tommy Wiseau, a screenwriter, director, executive producer, producer, actor, and the star, director, and writer of the film The Room.  This film is considered to be the worst film of all time, and one of my favorites.  Tommy Wiseau is also accompanied by one of the famous quotes from his movie, “YOU’RE TEARING ME APPART LISA,” scattered in the background, and he’s gripping a couple of gummy worms.  The gummy worms are there because they’re just delicious.  To the front right of Tommy Wiseau is a cat.  It’s a cute little doodle of my cat, which I draw pretty often, and of course, my cat’s favorite spot to sleep is right in the way of everything.  To the right of my cat is an androgynous character form a video game called Persona 4.  Her name is Naoto Shirogane, and she represents a few things about me.  One is that I cosplay, a Japanese word for fancy costuming, as her.  Another is that like Naoto’s character in the game, I have had trouble with my gender in the past.  On Naoto’s shirt is a multicolor button with the letters “ABC” on it.  This is the button I got from going to the first ever anime convention in Memphis, the Anime Blues Convention.  ABC was also my third ever convention, and my first ever convention that wasn’t completely ruined by anything.  In Naoto’s hand on the top left is a small non-specific gundam.  The gundam series is one of my favorites within anime, and I also love to build model gundams.  On the gundam’s right is a purple haired character I created about six years ago.  His name is Kashmir and he’s basically all over everything.  He has no back story or anything, he just is. He’s one of my most treasured creations.  Next to Kashmir is Niki Manaj from the “I do the creep” video on Saturday Night Live.  She’s there because she is just so inspiring and entertaining.  Scattered behind everything are tiny little green beans.  These are called Mameshibas, or little bean dogs.  They are like little videos and toys that give out random facts, which I tend to do on occasion as well.
            I placed my sticker on the bottom far side of the big figure case in Animax, which is a store that sells Japanese exports. The owner of the store is also the creator of ABC.  Before my best friend moved out of Memphis, we would go there like every week and hang out, despite the rather small size of the place.  There is really no other place like it in Memphis, which makes it pretty special.
4435 Summer Avenue
Memphis, TN 38122-4042
*Park in the Krystal’s parking lot, because theirs is freaking scary. 

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